erich hunter

S8 Ep. 4: Pendulum Commands with Erich Hunter

S8 Ep. 4: Pendulum Commands with Erich Hunter

Pendulums have a lot of potential beyond just answering questions. Pendulum Alchemy is the use of the Pendulum as a tool to shift or influence reality in ways that are for the highest good of all. (From This week we dive deeper into the powerful practice of Pendulum Alchemy, with returning guest, Erich Hunter, author of “Pendulum Healing Commands Guide Part 2.” Learn how to properly use pendulum commands to make positive changes in your life and in the lives of those you love and care about.

S6 Ep. 15: Pendulum Alchemy with Erich Hunter, Ph.D

S6 Ep. 15: Pendulum Alchemy with Erich Hunter, Ph.D

Pendulum Alchemy is the use of a pendulum as a tool to change, transform or influence something in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned. Erich Hunter, a naturalist, healer and scientist with a Ph.D in Biology, developed this manifestation and healing system. In this episode, Erich shares how to experience the power and potential of Pendulum Alchemy to shift reality and create positive outcomes for everyone.