S5 Ep. 5: Music as a Spiritual Conduit with Haley Harkin


Musician Haley Harkin


Trust and Surrender. These concepts return again and again on the spiritual journey, opening us more deeply to the Divine. This week’s guest, singer Haley Harkin, learned the power of Trust and Surrender through many plant medicine ceremonies, which enabled her to embody her authentic self as a musician. Now she expresses as a vessel for the Divine when sharing her beautiful voice and lyrics in sacred settings.

We discuss:

  • What is the intertwining of Haley’s musical journey with her spiritual path?

  • How did the Universe push her to become a musician?

  • The key role that plant medicine played in purging her fear of performing.

  • Is the music for plant medicine ceremonies a set playlist or is it an organic flow, depending on the energies in the moment?

  • Does taking the plant medicine during the ceremony enhance her music or make it difficult to play?

  • How long did it take Haley to be able to trust and let go when playing in ceremony?

  • Why she only shares her music in sacred/mindful settings.

  • The way plant medicine teaches on a cellular level, and is retained in your everyday life.

  • The power of vulnerability and the healing that comes through connecting on that level.

  • Is Haley transmitting a vibration when she sings?

  • Has her sound changed as she has evolved spiritually?

  • Haley is passionate about teaching people how to break down limiting constructs around creativity..

  • Music is about freeing yourself and speaking your truth.

  • How letting go of the “story of Haley” allowed her to better share music.

Haley Harkin was born and raised in Austin, TX, and is currently residing in Colorado. She creates folk medicine music for healing and connection. Her music has been described as feeling like 'bare feet on grass'. Learn more about Haley at haleyharkin.com and listen to Haley’s music on Spotify and any platform where you listen to music.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

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